Thursday, May 15, 2008

New Vrindavan's farm community

The following is a excerpt from the lecture given by his HH Varsana Swami Maharaj on 05/11/2008 at The festival of Inspiration,New Vrindaban,WV:

Affluenza :

1. Definition: Extreme materialism which is the impetus for accumulating wealth and for overconsumption of goods; also, feelings of guilt and isolation from the dysfunctional pursuit of wealth and goods.

2. Affluenza is the social disease caused by consumerism , commercialism, and rampant materialism and its antidote is simple living.

Why did Srila Prabhupada emphasize a farm movement?

1. Practical - It solves the problems of life; material difficulties , complications and tribulations are minimized within a paradigm which allows us to decipher their meaningful and benevolent message.

2. Spiritual - It facilitates sattva guna( the mode of goodness) which is conducive to Krishna Consciousness.

3.Preaching, Outreach & Setting an example - it offers the only solution to the root cause of ecological crisis.

Intention and Benefit of Simple Living

1. Modern life features a displaced priority:
a) material advancement over cultural and spiritual ideals
b) affluenza
c) when people live off the land community develops; as they move away from connecting with the earth, community fades
d) A land-based economy fosters co-operation
e) Artificial living fuels competition
f) Artificial living also means dependency on oil(used to fire & lubricate plundering mechanisms)

The plight of ISKCON Farm Communities ( Why has it been so difficult?)

1. All facilities have been available
a. Land, Equipment
b. Funding , People

2. Invisible road block

a. Difficult to push past 4 cornerstones - economic , educational, medical and media.

3. Until we have our own cornerstones, structure will be undermined being built on foundation of affluenza ( which is based on demoniac nature - Bg.16.13-15- The demoniac person thinks: "So much wealth do I have today, and I will gain more according to my schemes. So much is mine now, and it will increase in the future, more and more. He is my enemy, and I have killed him, and my other enemies will also be killed. I am the lord of everything. I am the enjoyer. I am perfect, powerful and happy. I am the richest man, surrounded by aristocratic relatives. There is none so powerful and happy as I am. I shall perform sacrifices, I shall give some charity, and thus I shall rejoice." In this way, such persons are deluded by ignorance. )

Consumerism is a collective addiction

1. Begins when niceties are mistaken for necessity

2. Affects both individual and world culture

3. Illness of body, mind and spirit

Anatomy of addiction

1. Exults industrialization : a) awards it status of religion , life mission and b) rewrites industrial history in mythic terms ( illustrated in story of Don Quixote and Shalva)

2. All-consuming need to fulfill its desire

It will sacrifice everything - children , home , relationships , religion and planet's life support system.

3. It is Pathological and suicidal.

Addiction and Denial

1. Denial is a symptom of addiction
2. Addiction becomes a symptom of denial
3. Thus they reinforce each other
4. Denial as a syndrome: Like quick sand it pulls its victim down first to the level where he refuses to be truthful and then to the point where he loses the ability to be truthful!

It can be thought of to be manifesting in 4 stages:

Loss of identity - denial of the true self, alienation from the world,entrance into fantasy world and finally loss of the ability to receive , interpret, and follow the messages found in the language of symbols and archetypes ( These bridge the gap between soma and psyche; the unconscious and the conscious ; the collective and the individual; the earth and the humanity)

Earth as Mother:

1. Uddhava glorifies Radharani , who expanded as consort of Varaha.
2. The sages glorify the earth as widfe of Varaha( BB 3.13.42)
3. Kubja as prithvi ( Vishwanatha Chakravarti Thakur's Bhagavatam Commentary)
4. Conversation between Prithu and Bhumi
5. Relationship of Sitadevi and furrow

Taking a look at Other traditions:

1. Indigenous cultures
  • Strong connection to Earth as Mother
  • The conquest of nature often begins with the elimination or subjugation of Indigenous people.
  • When their relevance is minimized people's tie to the Mother-land is minimized
2. Judeo-Christian concept:

  1. Old Testament conception
  • emphasis on man's dominion over nature
  • God was a presence to keep at a distance because of His overly patriarchal nature - This is seen in approach to the holy name specifically in the way it is kept secret - intimately connected with the Named and seldom uttered audibly due to the dreadful and dangerous power it evoked!
2. New Testament concept
  • God's nature becomes more familial , intimate, and compassionate due to Mary's intercession.
  • She acts as an intermediary between humans and God
  • Mary as an embodiment of former earth goddess images - This echoes and amplifies their message and it fulfills and perfects earlier traditions' need for a Motherland goddess to mediate our relationship with the Father.

Varnashrama Dharma:

  • Simple , not necessarily easy : It minimizes the reactions to our work and everything is done for the pleasure of Krishna ( He desires farms not factories!)
  • Success is dependent on paradigm shift from self to Krishna as the center - Not just in ritual , rhetoric ,and sadhana but to be sustainable for which shift must occur in lifestyle.

1 comment:

Phani K Peri said...

can anyone who has attended the lecture forward me the link to the thesis of a devotee who developed a farming community in Africa?

Thanks in advance